Owain Glyndwr Cefn Caer
Glamorganshire Constabulary
Henry, tenth Earl of Pembroke and seventh Earl...
WRU Centenary Sword
Glamorgan Constabulary
University of Wales, Aberystwyth fencers at the...
University of Wales Aberystwyth Fencers at the...
Epee Bout at the Welsh Open Fencing Competition...
Aberystwyth Fencing Triangular Competition,...
Foil Bout during the 2003 Aberystwyth Fencing...
Aberystwyth Town v. Gown Fencing Competition...
Aberystwyth Fencing Triangular Competition 2003...
Epee bout during the Aberystwyth Fencing...
Aberystwyth Town Fencing Club; Welsh Closed...
Aberystwyth Town Fencing Club pennant, 2003
Group photo from a fencing session at the...
Aberystwyth Town Fencing Team at St Brieuc, 2003
An Aberystwyth fencer in action in St Brieuc, 2003
The epee teams from Aberystwyth Town Fencing...
Sabre in action - fencers from Aberystwyth Town...
Friendly fencing competition in St Brieuc, 2003...
An ex-University of Wales Aberystwyth fencer at...
More Aberystwyth Fencing connections at the...
Aberystwyth fencer in the knockout stages of...
Aberystwyth fencer in an epee bout at the...
Aberystwyth Fencing Triangular Competition 2004...
Aberystwyth Town Fencing Club at Aberystwyth...
Aberystwyth Town Fencing Club members take...