First Prize Certificate for a youth Eisteddfod...
Public Library Closures in Wales -A...
Conway Castle
People reading
Queen Victoria and John Brown at Osborne House
Revd. George Legge, L.L.D., Leicester
Carlyle in his garden at Chelsea
Revd. William Legg, B.A., Reading
Luther's first study of the Bible
Rev. Edward Morgan
Luther in his study
The Reverend John Lloyd Rector of Caerwis the...
Thomas Killigrew
William Hopkinson
Erasmus Darwin M.D. F.R.S author of Zoonomia,...
Alfred Tennyson
Postcard from William Benjamin Thomas to his...
Station 3 The North Steps Panorama
The value of reading and public libraries ...
Ticket for Reading versus Swansea City, 1974
Football Programme - Reading versus Swansea Town
Football Programme - Swansea City versus Reading
Football Programme - Swansea Town versus Reading
Football Programme and Ticket - Swansea City...
Ticket, v. Reading, December 1974
Programme cover, v. Reading, January 1952