Working at Jones Balers Part-1 JOHN BUMBY...
Steelmaking at Shotton -TATA Steel presentation...
"...the opportunities that we had" ...
Indenture for Patrick Byrne of...
Copy of Apprentice Agreement Llangwm...
Martin, Tugboat Apprentice
SWS 1961 Apprentices page 3
SWS 1961 Apprentices page 2
SWS 1961 Apprentices page 1
1961 SWS Apprentices
SWS Blackwood Factory 1962
SWS 1958 Past Apprentices
SWS 1958 Apprentice group
1966 SWS Apprentice Training
1966 SWS Apprentice Football Team
First Female Mechanical Apprentice 1980
Tubal Cain Foundry
Tubal Cain Foundry - casting house
Apprenticeship Indenture of Daniel Owen, 1851
Apprentice Report of Daniel Owen, 1851 [image 1...
Letter from Humphrey Jones, apprentice chemist...
Employees of the Wrexham and East Denbighshire...