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Kevin Hawke is a keen diver and Living Seas Wales volunteer. This image is taken from his dive log and records a dive near the Hand Marks, Little Haven 31st May 1999. During the dive he observed a variety of marine wildlife which he describes in the "Dive Details" section of the log book (transcribed below).
Dive Details: Launched out of Little Haven with the intention of diving the Hand Marks, which is a pinnicle of rock which drops from @ 15-30m+. We landed on a fairly flat rocky bottom with loads of life about. There were three edible Crabs, asking to be picked up, right out in the open almost next to each other, masses of huge Dahlia Anemones, incredible range of colours also purple frilly Nudibranchs. The current was travelling quite fast so we just went with it for miles. The scenery hardly altered. Used the SMB throughout the dive due to the current.
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