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Outside view of factry being demolished.

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Martyn Leonard Alderman's profile picture
This series of photos does not relate to the closure of the factory but the installation of the Hot Mill line about 1950, along with the 60" 4 High Robertson hand mill. As seen: Picture 1: Erection of steelwork for the Hot Mill Bay Picture 2: Hand Mills installed in Bay 9. Most of these orginated from the closure on the British Aluminium Milton Works in Staffordshire, and were largely used for finishing or embossed pattern sheet rolling at Rheola (as most sheet was strip rolled on a 4 High coil mills in Resolven). Picture 3: Should be considered as the next stage to Picture 1. You can see the portal frame building is being clad with corrugated sheet at this point. The age of the caravan dating from the 1950's clearly shows that this is the assembly and not the dismantling of the building that didn't occur until the 1990's. Picture 5: Shows the molten sodium nitrate heat treatment bath that operated at about 530 degrees C. This was used to solution treat alloys such as AA6082 or AA6061 that responded to artificial ageing post solution treatment. Here we see two distorted sheets of 2 bar treadplate that have been quenched, the sheets would be planished, levelled and stretched as necessary to achieve a flatness tolerance suitable for floor decking and similar applications. Picture 6: Shows the erection of the Robertson 60" wide 4 high hand mill. This mill was used for the cold cross rolling of AA2004 sheet for superplastic forming at Superform Aluminium in Cosgrove Close, Worcester another TI( Tube Investments) Group Company. Picture 7: Shows a hand mill work roll (or possibly a 4 high back up roll) after grinding - wrapped in tar paper to protect it from corrosion or mechanical damage- and reday for installation in mill bearing chocks. Estimated size is 27" diameter with a barrell length of 72".

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