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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. COVER
- “Happy Birthday Nuclear Free Wales!” spread commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of the last Welsh county, Clwyd, to declare itself as a nuclear-free zone, making Wales a nuclear-free country, as a decisive campaigning message and example to the world. Efforts of CND Cymru and various social movements helped bring urgency to nuclear issues toward local communities and nuclear establishments in England.
Page 2.
- “The Clwyd Declaration February 23 1982” column on the decision made by Clwyd County Council to declare itself a nuclear-free zone, a significant moment for Wales, with a list of signatures by other individuals and organisations.
- “Guns and cricket bats” article comparing nuclear missiles to cricket bats.
Page 3.
- “AWE Llanishen Vigil (1982-1997)” information piece uncovering the secrets of the Royal Ordnance Factory from women involved during its operation.
Page 4.
- “Nuclear Free Belau: sold out to the U.S. Military?” article of women representing the struggle of Belauan women on an international campaigning tour to keep and uphold their nuclear-free constitution. Includes an appeal of action to endorse the Parliamentary Early Day Motion 233 by the British CND to advocate for a nuclear-free environment.
- “Giz a job” short piece from “Peace Matters” on Britain's contribution towards new military aircraft and missiles.
Page 5.
- “News round-up” section.
- “Ordinary folk - changing the hearts and minds of the generals” piece on a New York Times interview with the Chief of the US Nuclear Weapons Command on his position on nuclear weapons.
- “Alexander Nikitin - Freed” article.
- “Wylfa Nuclear Power Station - approved of by the Wales Tourist Board” article and appeal for action to the Chairman.
- “Abolition 2000” promotional piece.
- “Chernobyl: leukaemia in Greece” piece on the fallout from the nuclear accident which has heavily affected Greece.
- “Chernobyl - farms in Wales” piece on the lifting of restrictions on sheep farms after the nuclear accident.
- “NIREX: “protecting” our planet” piece on the unsuitability of Sellafield for underground waste storage dump.
- “Anglesey primary school adopts a killing machine” piece on the study of Hawk aircraft in schools.
Page 6.
- “Ban the bomb” piece on the release of the Stimson Report from the Canberra Commission that saw a point-by-point plan for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
- “Poisons” piece on MOX fuel used for nuclear power stations being flown into Carlisle Airport.
- “Faslane Women’s Action March 14-17th ‘97” advertisement.
- “Recent Letters to Heddwch from friends in the New World” addressed to CND Cymru from Seattle and Arizona (the USA) and Paradise (South Australia).
Page 7.
- “Trawsfynydd decommissioning - what now?” article on the planning and problems of the reactors and suitability for the nuclear waste dump.
Page 8.
- “New warnings about nuclear shipping danger to Welsh coastline” appeal for action from a new report of the implications of planned high-level waste shipments through the Irish Sea.
- “The radioactive threat to the Irish Sea // Teifi/Preseli CND Report” on the dangers and consequences of a nuclear accident in the Irish Sea.
- “BNFL: forty pieces of silver” short piece demonstrating its environmental goodwill.
Page 9.
- “Diary Dates” of events and Peace Camps.
- “New from CND Cymru Trading!” advertisement.
- “WANTED - Volunteers for the 1997 Glastonbury Festival” advertisement.
Page 10.
- “Bryn Elltyd” advertisement.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “I want to join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” form to join and donate.
- “Peace Shop” Cardiff advert.
- “What are you doing in August?” advertisement for the National Eisteddfod to campaign for peace, justice and a nuclear-free world.
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