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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1.
- COVER: “peace justice tolerance”.
Page 2.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “Violence breeds Violence” article commemorating the anniversary of the first US atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima City.
Page 3.
- “NEVER AGAIN” poster regarding the two US atomic bombs that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
Page 4.
- “So you believed the USA ‘had’ to drop atomic bombs to end World War II…” poster on key figures who disagreed with the decision taken upon by US President Harry Truman.
Page 5.
- “Sadako and 1,000 paper cranes” article commemorating a Japanese girl diagnosed with leukaemia who folded almost 1,000 origami paper cranes in Hiroshima.
- “Hiroshima and Nagasaki NEVER AGAIN” information piece on the status of British Trident submarines and potential for new nuclear weapons development with the destructive power of the atomic bombs that were dropped in 1945.
Page 6.
- “around the country” section on different networks and groups in Wales.
- “Bro Emlyn Peace and Justice”.
- “Bangor Peace and Justice Group”.
- “Brecknock Peace & Justice Group”.
- “Conwy Peace Group”.
- “Aberystwyth Peace and Justice Network”.
- “Swansea CND” advertisement.
- “Wrexham Peace and Justice Forum” on War and terrorism.
- “Bridgend Coalition for Peace and Justice” to ‘Make Poverty History’.
Page 7.
- “Women in Black, say No to War, No to Poverty” article on a vigil and campaign that coincided with a Make Poverty History G8 demonstration in Edinburgh and worldwide Live8 concerts.
- “No good news from New York” article on US and British attempts to completely sideline nuclear disarmament during the NPT Review Conference and their own obligations while focusing entirely on supposed threats posed by Iran and North Korea.
Page 8.
- “Gwynfor Evans 1912-2005 man of peace” commemoration of the pacifist, campaigner and long-standing member of CND Cymru.
- “Exercising the right not to kill” article on the International Conscientious Objectors Day.
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