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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day.


Page 1:
• Found! Weapons of mass destruction

Page 2:
• Wales against War the exhibition - Photographic exhibition on display at the National Eisteddfod.
• Cover - Nuclear weapons on a global scale/

Page 3:
• Moving in the right direction - The peace movement continues throughout Europe.
• Do you want to live in a world… - Postal slip to join CND Cymru.

Page 4:
• Proliferation: Weapons to worry about - WMD world-wide ensures problems remain.

Page 5:
• Award for welsh peace campaigner - Joel Kenrick has been awarded a Young Leader Award.
• Heddwch action - Think globally, act locally!
• US Government ‘tolerates’ British nuclear weapons

Page 6:
• Groups round-up: Working for peace and justice - A summary of the key meetings and actions taking place around Wales.

Page 7:
• No More War Lies! - National demonstration calls for the end of US and British occupation of Iraq.
• Heddwch action - Please send a copy of EDM 1666 to your MP.

Page 8:
• Wylfa nuclear power station: continuing problems
• A call for an outward looking Wales - Campaign manifesto urges political parties to pledge action on social injustices.
• Nuclear terror - Nuclear waste, submarines, and trains in Wales.

Page 9:
• Cynefin y Werin challenges globalisation and militarism
• if… - What if Blair had not declared war on Iraq?
• Low flying military aircraft

Page 10:
• US missile ‘defense’: Don’t take the peace out of space - US plans to militarise space pose a danger to international stability.

Page 11:
• Three things you can do with a nuclear bomb in your pocket - US and British actions in Iraq.

Page 12:
• On the streets of Bagdhad - Welsh human shields return to Iraq to help restore human rights to street children.
• Welsh activists return to Palestine
• Nuclear submarines in Liverpool? - Plans for Liverpool to house nuclear submarines revealed.

Page 13:
• Now let’s talk about terrorism - A minute of silence for the lives lost on September 11th 2001.
• Weapons testing in Scotland - very unfriendly fire - Britain has renewed a US military contract to use Dundrennan firing range.

Page 14:
• Trident Ploughshares - Taking action in Scotland, England and Belgium.
• Four Fairford trials - Protestors appear in court for action at USAF Fairford Air Force Base.

Page 15:
• Weapons manufacture and trade: Saying no - Arms manufacturers and traders are being held to account for their part in the dirty war machine.

Page 16:
• Books and pieces - Books, music, and literature on nuclear weapons and peace.

Page 17:
• Drama - An Old Lie in New Mouths
• Book review - Regime Unchanged: Why the war on Iraq changed nothing
• Book review - Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World

Page 18:
• Diary Dates
• CND Cymru Constitution - A meeting has been called to accept an updated constitution.
• CND Cymru Contacts

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