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WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, was founded in 1973 to be 'Wales' voice in the world' - championing the cause of Internationalism started by the founders of Wales' Temple of Peace from 1938. WCIA continues this work today - approaching its *50th Anniversary* in 2023 - leading Welsh projects on Global Learning, Global Action, Global Partnerships and Peace Heritage, as well as acting as the guardians and venue hire/managers for Wales' iconic Temple of Peace & Health.
SUMMARY: This issue of the WCIA focuses on the International Year of the Child 1979 designated by the UN General Assembly where the WCIA focused its efforts on its fifth year in operation to promote fundraising initiatives and public awareness around problems facing children all over the world through education programmes. WCIA’s presence continues to be pushed into circles of influence within the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the EEC and the UN Association for Wales.
Page 2 & 3. - CONTENTS Page. - “President’s Foreword” of the WCIA in English and Welsh reflecting on the fifth anniversary of the Welsh Centre in the fields of its international activities and working with Local Authorities to achieve their objectives.
Page 4 & 5. - “Message from the Secretary of State for Wales” John Morris highlighting the WCIA as an important channel to bring the desires of Welsh people to promote peace, make effective public interest in international developments, and promote international cooperation together in harmony. - “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 6 & 7. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 8 & 9. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA. - “The Fourth Anniversary” article of the Annual Meeting at the Temple of Peace featuring guest speaker Dr David Owen, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. He emphasised the vast contribution of UN agencies to the world’s problems around hunger, poverty and disease and Britain’s need to carry the burden in the international cause to bring a peaceful change to apartheid policies in South Africa.
Page 10 & 11. - “The United Kingdom Freedom From Hunger Campaign Comes to the Welsh Centre” article on the moving of the Headquarters of the Campaign from London to the Temple of Peace. Its first meeting involved members of the WCIA, media figures, UN Association personnel, local organisations and other academic backgrounds in the event. - “International Year of the Child - 1979” piece on the agreement that WCIA would undertake as one of its major activities to support IYC in Wales, designated by the UN General Assembly, with worldwide coordinating responsibility given to UNICEF. The Wales Standing Conference involved twenty organisations with administration carried out by WCIA. Emphasis on the establishment of local IYC groups in cooperation with District and Borough Councils to promote fundraising and awareness of the needs of children around the world in Wales.
Page 12 & 13 - “Development Resource Centre” piece on how the WCIA could be used extensively to those interested in the problems of developing countries. - “Activities” conducted by the WCIA. - “Economic and Social Affairs” section. (i) “Freedom From Hunger Fair” short piece on the biennial Fair at Cardiff’s City Hall to support a UNICEF Project in Senegal for the provision of services for mothers and children in rural communities. (ii) “Clwyd and the EEC” conference with the County Council and those representing all aspects of Clwyd life. (iii) “Development Resource Centre”. (iv) “Dyfed and the EEC” conference of the Dyfed County Council in Carmarthen on 25 November, representing all aspects of life. (v) “UNESCO Sponsored Conference, Geneva” piece on the attendance of the Assistant Secretary of CEWC-Cymru at the Conference for European Educators on 12-16 December.
Page 14 & 15. - Continuation of the “Economic and Social Affairs” section. (vi) “World Bank” visit from Paris to the David Owen Centre for Population Growth Studies at University College, Cardiff and at schools’ conferences in Cardiff. (vii) “Mr George Foggon” as Director of the International Labour Office for Great Britain visited a range of places in Wales between 20-22 April. (viii) “National Eisteddfod '' Display Tent for the Welsh Centre in Cardiff highlighting the IYC and showing work done in the development field by constituent bodies. - “Political and Security Affairs” section. (i) “Gwent Conference” in Abergavenny in conjunction with the Education Authority focusing on ‘Human Rights in the World Today” featuring various speakers. (ii) “United Kingdom Chairman” of the UN Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Jeremy Thorpe MP, made a short tour of North West Wales between 3-4 February. (iii) “UN Ambassador” for the UK Ivor Richard visited two locations in South and West Wales on 9 February. (iv) “Soviet Guests” Professors Zamoshkin and Mozolin visited Swansea, Lilw Valley and Llanelli to mark United Nations Day on 24 October. (v) “Mr John Davies, M.P.” as Opposition Spokesman for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs who visited the Temple of Peace to outline the causes of tensions between the East and West as well as Western policy around developing countries.
Page 16 & 17. - Continuation of “Political and Security Affairs” section. (vi) “The Commonwealth” short piece on WCIA being represented by its Director to be one of 12 British-based Non-Governmental Organisations to discuss with the Commonwealth Secretariat in London to spread effective information about the Commonwealth, its priorities and activities. (vii) “Rev. David Harding” as Director of the UNA of the UK visited Wales on 7-9 June, speaking with various academics and elected officials. - “Goodwill Message of the Youth of Wales to the World,18 May 1978” section on the annual multilingual ceremony from the Temple of Peace, in conjunction with the Welsh National Council of the UN Association bringing themes of cooperation amongst all people of all cultures, barriers to future world prosperity and happiness. - “Schools Curriculum Project” short piece for the teaching of World Studies in schools in Wales in conjunction with the International Year of the Child 1979. - “Family Homestay Programme” of 11 people from Wales via the WCIA joining the US Program organised by the Council for International Contact, centred in Pennsylvania, New York and Washington.
Page 18 & 19. - “International Service Programme” for a summer work camp program by the WCIA, who is the second-largest organiser of international workcamps in the UK with 172 volunteers involved from 13 countries. A list of individuals, countries of origin and their responsibilities. - “Diary of Conferences, Special Meetings, Tours and Exhibitions”.
Page 20 & 21. - “Finance” section on grants received by the WCIA. - “Staff Changes” section.
Page 22 & 23. - “Specialist Committees” section on the important functions of the WCIA to act as a coordinating point for the activities of organisations with international interests in Wales. Page 24 & 25. - Five “Special Papers” occasionally published by the Centre. - “Publications and Press Cuttings”.
Page 26 & 27. - “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” such as the United Nations Association at the Welsh National Council General Meetings and Council for Education in World Citizenship-Cymru.
Page 28 & 29. - Continuation of the “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” such as Freedom from Hunger Campaign Wales.
Page 31. - “The Welsh Centre Exists To” advertisement and form for donation.
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