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WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, was founded in 1973 to be 'Wales' voice in the world' - championing the cause of Internationalism started by the founders of Wales' Temple of Peace from 1938. WCIA continues this work today - approaching its *50th Anniversary* in 2023 - leading Welsh projects on Global Learning, Global Action, Global Partnerships and Peace Heritage, as well as acting as the guardians and venue hire/managers for Wales' iconic Temple of Peace & Health.
SUMMARY: This issue focuses on the International Year of the Child (IYC), a tense West-East relationship and a focus on the foundation of the United Nations on its 30th anniversary. CONTENTS COVER PAGE of WCIA Sixth Annual Report
Page 2 & 3. - CONTENTS Page. - “President’s Foreword” of the WCIA in English and Welsh reflecting on the International Year of the Child that saw cooperation between local authorities, the United Nations and the work carried out by members of the WCIA to advance their objectives.
Page 4 & 5. - “Message from the Secretary of State for Wales” Nicholas Edwards on the vast problems the world faces and highlights the role of the WCIA to encourage the discussion of important issues within government actions and help the people of Eales to maintain a balanced and informed outlook on world affairs to promote international harmony and cooperation. - “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 6 & 7. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 8 & 9. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA. - “The Fifth Anniversary” Meeting represented by then Secretary-General of the UN, Mr Dag Hammarskjold, Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Observer’ Dr O’Brien for debate on the Draft Declaration and ‘Interim Report on Communication Problems in Modern Society.' Chaired by the President of the WCIA, where Britain wants to play a key role to ‘balance’ coverage of Third World news by arbitrary Third World governments to secure a favourable image for their regimes by pressure on Western agencies and journalists. - “International Year of the Child - 1979” section detailing more progress reports available to members in January and August 1979. A number of well-known Welsh names agreed to serve as consultants to the Wales Standing Conference (with 30 organisations in total) participating in various United Kingdom projects.
Page 10 & 11. - Continuation of the “International Year of the Child - 1979” section highlighting the role of Local Education Authorities and an international project with leading agencies to raise £50,000 for the work of UNICEF in Lesotho to help the needs of mothers and children. The project is concerned with education as well as fundraising in all parts of Wales to deepen understanding of the problems of social and economic development facing countries of the ‘Third World’. - “The United Kingdom Freedom From Hunger Campaign” administered from Welsh Centre where the Committee is supporting three main projects abroad.
Page 12 & 13. - “Activities” conducted by the WCIA. - “Economic and Social Affairs” section. (i) “International Residential Conference for Students in Industry” in Aberystwyth on 21-24 September in conjunction with the Development Corporation for Wales. (ii) “Tanzania High Commissioner” spoke at the University College, Swansea accompanied by the Counsellor for Education on 13 October. (iii) “The Gwent Conference” at Abergavenny in conjunction with the Gwent Education Authority with the theme of ‘The International Year of the Child’. (iv) “The Clwyd Conference” in Mold on the theme of The International Year of the Child’. (v) “Nuclear Power and Wales” Forum organised at the Temple of Peace with various higher education institutions and speakers. (vi) “The Gwynedd Conference” in Bangor for ‘The International Year of the Child’. (vii) “The Dyfed Conference” in Carmarthen for ‘The International Year of the Child’. (viii) “Advisory Committee for Development Education” members visited Wales led by Vice-Chairman Dame Margaret Mills meeting members of the Standing Conference of the Welsh Centre. (ix) “United Kingdom Association for IYC” Information Officer Richard Price addressed meetings across Wales. (x) “National Residential Sixth Form Conference” in Harlech.
Page 14 & 15. - Continuation of “Economic and Social Affairs” section. (xi) “The Mold Conference” convened by Clwyd County Council. (xii) “UN Information Centre” piece of the Senior Information Officer making his first official visit to Wales discussing the International Year of the Child and response of the Councils to the Wales Lesotho project. (xiii) “UN Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” visit by Director Rev. David Harding to Wales calling on Councillors, Mayors and Chairmans of several Welsh counties as well as meeting members of the UNA Branches. (xiv) “International Labour Organisation” Director George Foggon cisted Wales on 25-27 June. (xv) “Eisteddfodau” piece on a collaborative effort between WCIA, Christian Aid, OXFAM, UNA and the Wales Standing COnference to mount displays at the Urdd Eisteddfod at Maesteg and at the National Eisteddfod at Caernarfon, around the domestic and international aspects of the IYC. (xvi) “Lesotho High Commission” Counsellor, Mr M. Mathibeli, visited Wales in response to projects from local organisations. - “Political and Security Affairs” section. (i) “Lord Hatch” as the authority on African Affairs visited Welsh schools and County Councils. (ii) “UN Association of the Soviet Union” piece on two representatives, an International Affairs specialist and an international lawyer visiting Wales meeting members of the Law Department, UWIST and the Political and Security Committee of the WCIA. Discussion centred on reforms to the UN Security Council; equal implementation of the SALT II Agreement between the USSR and the US to halt the nuclear arms race.
Page 16 & 17. - Continuation of “Political and Security Affairs” section. - Continuation of the “UN Association of the Soviet Union” piece where two Soviet representatives discussed the future of UN-led peacekeeping decisions by the UN Security Council; and human rights and the principle of non-intervention in matters of domestic jurisdiction. (iii) “United Kingdom Assambor-designate to the United Nations” Sir Anthony Parsons visited the Welsh Centre accompanied by Mr Michael Simpson-Orlebar as Head of the UN Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office meeting representatives of the Standing Conference of the Welsh Centre, schools and the Centre’s political and Security Committee. This marked his only ‘briefing’ visit outside London prior to going to New York. Dealt at length with the international peace and security aspects of the UN. - “United Nations Day - 24 October” entry on a special bilingual leaflet produced by the Central Office of Information where the WCIA and its constituent organization become a point of contact for people in Wales, complementing ‘The Future of United Nations Peacekeeping.' - “Human Rights Day - 10 December” bilingual leaflet produced by the Central office of Information to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948-78), where the Welsh Centre is referred to as the point of contact for people in Wales. - “Goodwill Message of the Youth of Wales to the World, 18 May 1979” administered by Urdd Gobaith Cymru in conjunction with the Welsh National COuncil of the UN Association taking the theme of the IYC with a message about the state of the planet’s resources. - “Schools Curriculum Project” piece established by a grant to investigate the place, organization and teaching of World Studies in schools in Wales and evolve a course to be made available for use.
Page 18 & 19. - “International Service Programme” for 13 summer work camp programs by the WCIA, which is the second-largest organiser of international workcamps in the UK with 134 volunteers involved from 16 countries. A list of individuals, countries of origin and their responsibilities. - “Diary of Conferences, Special Meetings, Tours and Exhibitions”.
Page 20 & 21. - Continuation of “Diary of Conferences, Special Meetings, Tours and Exhibitions”.
Page 22 & 23. - “Finance” section on grants, receipts and payments for the WCIA.
Page 24 & 25. - Continuation of the “Finance” section on the balance sheet and income expenditure for the WCIA.
Page 26 & 27. - “Staff Changes” section. - “Specialist Committees” section on the important functions of the WCIA to act as a coordinating point for the activities of organisations with international interests in Wales. Discussed the “Future of UN Peacekeeping”, “The SuperPowers and the Middle East” and “British Policy towards the United Nations”.
Page 28 & 29. - Six “Special Papers” published by the Centre. - “New Publications” section. - Description and advertisement of Goronwy J. Jones’ “The United Nations and the Domestic Jurisdiction of States” book. - Description and advertisement of the UNICEF-supported “Hawliau Plant - The Rights of the Child”.
Page 30 & 31. - “Publications and Press Cuttings”. - “Development Resource Centre” piece on how the WCIA could be used extensively to those interested in the problems of developing countries. - “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” such as the United Nations Association at the Welsh National Council General Meetings.
Page 32 & 33. - Continuation of “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” such as Council for Education in World Citizenship-Cymru and Freedom From Hunger Campaign, Wales.
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