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WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, was founded in 1973 to be 'Wales' voice in the world' - championing the cause of Internationalism started by the founders of Wales' Temple of Peace from 1938. WCIA continues this work today - approaching its *50th Anniversary* in 2023 - leading Welsh projects on Global Learning, Global Action, Global Partnerships and Peace Heritage, as well as acting as the guardians and venue hire/managers for Wales' iconic Temple of Peace & Health.
SUMMARY: This issue covers the economic and development issues affecting both Wales and the “Third World” as prescribed in UN agendas and objectives set by the WCIA. This includes two-thirds of the world's population living with hunger, poverty and disease while the proliferation of nuclear weapon armaments continues to threaten the stability of the international system. Coverage and reflections on the previous year’s International Year of the Child are prominent to continue to raise awareness and fundraising for problems facing children everywhere. WCIA has continued to expand its influence in various international organisations with visits to the Council of Europe, the United Nations General Assembly and the World Bank reflecting the informed opinions of Wales’ relationship with the world.
CONTENTS COVER PAGE of the WCIA Seventh Annual Report
Page 2 & 3. - CONTENTS Page. - “President’s Foreword” of the WCIA in English and Welsh reflecting on its seventh anniversary and the UN’s 35th serving as a coordinating and administering centre for international campaigns in Wales. Highlights the achievements and statistics from the International Year of the Child, forming practical links between with international organisations, hosting 3 major UN Conferences in the UK, providing Standing Conference for 30 local authorities and a cross-section of national institutions.
Page 4 & 5. - “Message from the United Kingdom Ambassador to the United Nations” marking the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the UN in San Francisco. It highlights the constant changes with newly independent nations shaping an emphasis to economic and development issues through the North/South dialogue as well as a need to maintain the UN’s goals in economic, social, cultural and humanitarian fields as a universal forum to voice concerns or grievances. - “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 6 & 7. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA.
Page 8 & 9. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA. - “The Sixth Anniversary” Meeting reflects on the spectrum of the Rights of the Child on a domestic and international basis, the need for the UN to intervene in countries violating basic human rights, and despite the UN containing 150 Member States, 25 were democracies. - “Activities” conducted by the WCIA section. - “1979” events. (i) “The World Bank - Cardiff, September 19” visit by Mr Mark Cherniavsky, Head of External Relations in the European Office of the World Bank visiting the Welsh Centre to discuss further collaboration. (ii) “International Residential COnference for Students in Industry - Aberystwyth, September 20-23” event jointly organised by CEWC-Cymru and the Development Corporation for Wales with representation from companies in Britain, the EEC, Sweden, Japan and the US. (iii) “UNESCO Exhibitions - Bangor, Aberystwyth, Cardiff September-November” invitation of the Welsh Centre at various venues for UNESCO’s recent publications.
Page 10 & 11. (iv) “Freedom From Hunger Fair - Cardiff, October 4”. More details on page 25. (v) “United Nations Day - October 24” bilingual leaflet produced by the Central Office of Information marking IYC with ‘The World’s Children - their Future and Ours’. (vi) “Young People’s Parliament - London, October 25-26” where 10 delegates from schools in Wales participated in the IYC special event. More details on page 24. (vii) “Sixth Anniversary Meeting - Temple of Peace, Cardiff, October 26” address. (viii) “Annual Clwyd Conference - Mold, November 2” on the theme ‘Energy - a World Problem’ attended by over 90 delegates representing local authorities, industry, voluntary bodies and public services. (ix) “Conference on Agricultural Development and Reform - Carmarthen, November 16” with 80 delegates attending representing a wide variety of organisations connected with agriculture and the land, local schools and colleges. (x) “Visit to India - November 18 - December 1” (xi) “Visit to Nepal - November 20 - December 7” by the Development Officer of the Welsh Centre, Ian Jones, with two members of the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education to film development projects. - 1980 events. (xii) “Minister of State - Temple of Peace, Cardiff, February 15’ for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office after a tour of the Far East. (xiii) “World Bank - Temple of Peace, Cardiff, February 20’ with Mr Mark Cherniavsky discussing their work with Welsh bank representatives. (xiv) “UN Visitor - Liw Valley, February 21” with Mr James King. (xv) “Annual Dyfed Conference - Carmarthen, February 29” on the theme of “Energy” with 90 delegates from all walks of life in the county. (xvi) “UNESCO - Paris, March 3-5’ piece on the Director of the Welsh Centre visiting as a guest. (xvii) “National Residential Sixth Form Conference - Atlantic College, March 28-April 2”. (xviii) “UN Association AGM - Temple of Peace, April 12”. (xix) “IYC Ceremony and presentation - Temple of Peace, April 25’. (xx) “CEWC-Cymru AGM - Temple of Peace, May 12”. (xxi) “UN Ambassador and Lord Harlech - Cardiff, May 13” featuring the UK Ambassador to the UN Sir Anthony Parsons speaking at the Welsh Centre.
Page 12 & 13. (xxii) “Goodwill Message of the Youth of Wales to the World - May 18’ in conjunction with the Welsh National Council of the UN Association on the theme of Refugees. (xxiii) “Council of Europe - Strasbourg, June 10-11” visit by the Director of the WCIA meeting with many figures within European institutions. (xxiv) “UN Decade for Women - Bridgend, June 13’. (xxv) “UNCTAD Visitor - Swansea, June 14’ speaking to members of the UNA Executive Committee. (xxvi) “Lord Caradon - Pontypool, Caerphilly, Cardiff, June 16-17” meetings and visits with the former UK Ambassador to the UN. (xxvii) “UK UNA Director - Connah’s Quay, Bangor, Llandeefni, Pwllheli, June 24-25’ where the Rev. David Harding toured North Wales. (xxviii) “The Commonwealth - Neath, Swansea, July 11” visit to West Glamorgan County Council by Mr Chris Laidlaw, Special Assistant to the Commonwealth Secretary-General. - “International Service Programme” for 13 summer work camp programs by the WCIA with 150 international volunteers involved from 21 countries. A list of individuals, countries of origin and their responsibilities.
Page 14 & 15. - “Gwent College of Higher Education” advertisement. - “Financial Appeal” for the 1979 Annual Meeting to help further the objectives of the Centre. - “Dyfed College of Art” advertisement. Page 18 & 19. - “Balance Sheet” and “Income & Expenditure Account” section.
Page 20 & 21. - “International Year of the Child 1979” Report on the concluding months of the IYC with the all-Wales UNICEF Project for Lesotho fundraising. - “The United Kingdom Freedom From Hunger Campaign” section supports two projects in India, one in Malawi and Zambia with small grants. - “Advisory Committee for Development Education and Information” in decline under the Government led to the broadening of the Welsh Centre’s Development Committee covering a range of topics in its first 9 June meeting. - “Publications - Special Paper Seven” of the Welsh Centre’s ‘Disarmament, Security and Development’ paper to cover the threat faced by a staggering increase in armaments, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and that 2.3 of the world’s population still live in hunger, poverty, disease and ignorance while large-scale unemployment and energy crises threaten to undermine the wellbeing of advanced industrial countries. The emphasis of the Brandt Report will broaden discussions of these issues in Wales with the convening of two national conferences in 1981 and 1982 to ascertain the progress made since 1978.
Page 22 & 23. - “Publications and Press Cuttings”. - “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” such as the United Nations Association at the Welsh National Council General Meetings. Raised issues around the British Independent Nuclear Deterrent, theatre weapons in Europe, the Law of the Sea, workers in the Third World, UN Humanitarian activities, international development action and Rhodesian refugee children.
Page 24 & 25. - Continuation of the “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee” with the Council for Education in World Citizenship-Cymru on ‘Peace and Poverty’ the International Year of the Child, and ‘O’ Level schemes. The Freedom from Hunger Campaign Wales held a biennial fair to raise support for the Wales IYC Project for Lesotho. - “Wales Projects” marking the 35th anniversary of the UN with the Freedom From Hunger Campaign and the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO).
Page 26 & 27. - Continuation of “Wales Projects” that includes locations of and details about projects of the FFHS from 1962.
Page 28 & 29. - Advertisement for “North Wales Counties Joint Education Committee”. - Seven “Publications” by the WCIA. - “And Who is My Neighbour?” by Ewart Parkinson (1976). - “The Future of the Seas” by Vaughan Lowe (1977). - “The Future of United Nations Peacekeeping” (1977). - “National Conference on major World and Economic Problems in conjunction with the World Bank” (1977) - “The Development Resource Centre at the Welsh Centre for International Affairs” by Miranda Green (1978). - “An Introduction to Agrarian Development in the World Economy” by mostyn Dummer (1979). - “Disarmament, Security and Development” with special reference to the Brandt Report by Goronwy Jones and W. R. Davies (1980).
Page 31. - “The Welsh Centre Exists To” advertisement and form for donation.
Page 33. - Advertisement for “The North Wales Institute of Higher Education”.
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