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WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, was founded in 1973 to be 'Wales' voice in the world' - championing the cause of Internationalism started by the founders of Wales' Temple of Peace from 1938. WCIA continues this work today - approaching its *50th Anniversary* in 2023 - leading Welsh projects on Global Learning, Global Action, Global Partnerships and Peace Heritage, as well as acting as the guardians and venue hire/managers for Wales' iconic Temple of Peace & Health.
SUMMARY: 1981 was declared by the UN as the International Year of Disabled People (IYDP) with a focus on helping over 500 million disabled people, especially in the developing world, through the WCIA’s fundraising campaigns. This is reflected by the publication of the Brandt Report which serves to address the wide range of socio-economic development problems faced between the Global North and South, rich and poor countries, Western and Eastern blocs alike amidst threats to international peace and security. In its 8th year of operation, the WCIA has achieved many things from active cooperation with various international organisations, becoming the major platform for Welsh international campaigns and holding meetings with leading statesmen as well as local authorities.
CONTENTS Page 1. - COVER Page of WCIA’s 8th Annual Report (1981).Page 2 & 3. - CONTENTS Page. - “President’s Foreword” of the WCIA in English and Welsh reflecting on how the Centre has provided Wales with a window to the world’s major events, with the release of the Brand Report used in six Conferences in Wales and the Anniversary Meeting dealing with Nuclear weapons in Europe. This particular issue points out the ongoing conflicts, economic turmoil and widening gaps threatening international peace and understanding in the early 1980s.Page 4 & 5. - “Message from the Director of the International Labour Office for Great Britain and Northern Ireland” George Foggon around the Third Development Decade of the United Nations in search of a New International Economic Order with widespread unemployment and abject poverty in the world affecting 700 million people and the growing interdependence between the Global North and South. - “Membership” of the WCIA.Page 6 & 7. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA.Page 8 & 9. - Continuation of “Membership” of the WCIA. - “The Seventh Anniversary” Meeting on ‘Nuclear Weapons in Europe’ related to security in the Western bloc and the Soviet sphere. - Obituary of “Lord Goronwy-Roberts”, President of the Welsh National Council. - “Activities” section. 1980 events. (i) “International Residential Conference for Students in Industry - Aberystwyth, September 11-14” in conjunction with Development Corporation for Wales.Page 10 & 11. - Continuation of 1980 events. (ii) “Gwynedd Conference - Bangor, October 4” on the theme of “The World Energy Problem”. (iii) “Visit of UNICEF Director - Temple of Peace, October 6”. (iv) “Seventh Anniversary Meeting - Temple of Peace, October 17”. (v) “United Nations Day - October 24” with a bilingual leaflet produced by the Central Office of Information emphasising ‘Men have the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being.' (vi) “Seminar on Education for International Understanding - Temple of Peace, November 14”. (vii) “The European Convention on Human Rights - Temple of Peace, November 17” Conference in conjunction with the Council of Europe with 100 delegates representing a wide range of interests regarding the implementation of the Convention in the UK. - “1981” events. (viii) “South Glamorgan Conference on the Brandt Report - Temple of Peace, January 10” with a wide variety of organisations and institutions in the county. (ix) “Mid Glamorgan Conference on the Brandt Report - Pontypridd February 28”. (x) “UNDRO Visitor - Temple of Peace, March 2” discussion from the Assistant Secretary-General of the work of the UN Disaster Relief Organisation. (xii) “Annual Syfed COnference - Carmarthen, March 27”. (xiii) “National Residential Sixth Form Conference - Atlantic College, April 10-14”. (xiv) “FFHC (Wales) Spring Fair, Cardiff, April 23”. (xv) “Lord Goronwy-Roberts, Whitchurch, April 24”. (xvi) “UN Association Annual General Meeting - Temple of Peace, April 25”. (xvii) CEWC-Cymru Annual General Meeting - Temple of Peace, May 16”. (xviii) “Goodwill Message of the Youth of Wales to the World - Neges Ewyllys Da, May 18” deal in the International Year of the Disabled. (xix) “West Glamorgan Conference on the Brandt Report - Swansea, May 23”.Page 12 & 13. - Continuation of “1981” events. (xx) “Mr Khaled Bitar - Cardiff, June 5-6” visit by a high-flying official from the Royal Jordanian Airline visiting Cardiff to discuss Middle East issues and visit museums. (xxi) “United Kingdom Workcamp Organisers’ Coordinating Committee - Temple of Peace, June 10-11” meeting for the first time as a body. (xxii) “World Children’s Day - June 15”. (xxiii) “UK UNA Director - Blaenau Gwent, Cynon Valley, Caerleon, Newport - June 15-16” visiting civic leaders and spoke about UNICEF’s special International Year of Disabled People (IYDP) project in Sudan. (xxiv) “North Wales Conference on the Brandt Report - Colwyn Bay, July 4”. (xxv) “Sir Arthur Davies - Temple of Peace, July 30” visit by an official from the World Meteorological Organisation. (xxvi) “Mr Colin Mackenzie - Temple of Peace, August 13” visit by an official from the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation. - “International Service Programme” for 12 summer work camp programs by the WCIA with 150 volunteers involved from 18 different countries. A list of individuals, countries of origin and their responsibilities.Page 14 & 15. - “Financial Appeal” around the financial security of the Welsh Centre. Advertisement for the “Welsh College of Horticulture”. - “Finance” section.Page 16 & 17. - Continuation of the “Finance” section with Income and Expenditures of the WCIA up to December 1980.Page 18 & 19. - Continuation of the “Finance” section with Income and Expenditures of the WCIA up to December 1980. - “UN International Year of Disabled People 1981” proclaimed at the UN General Assembly as IYDP for a world plan of action to help 500 million disabled people in the world. The Welsh Centre was asked to coordinate a fund-raising campaign in Wales for the ‘Silent Emergency’ in Sudan, where 7.5 million children do not make it past their first birthday in one of the poorest countries in the world. - “The Advisory Committee for Development Education and Information” covered several topics in the session including primary/secondary/tertiary education, follow-ups to the Brandt Report, preparations for the first World Food Day Conference, development resource centres, eisteddfods, links with local authorities and media. - “Special Papers” published by the WCIA. An 8th edition called ‘The Prevention of War in Europe’ by Research Consultant Goronwy Jones, highlighting the need for Britain and NATO allies to maintain a balance of power in Europe while seeking to reach verifiable arms control and disarmament agreements with the Wassaw Pact.Page 20 & 21. - Continuation of ‘The Prevention of War in Europe’ by Research Consultant Goronwy Jones, and obstacles to East-West agreements. 1500 copies were taken by the UN Association in London for UK-wide distribution. Includes 7 other publications by the WCIA. - “Publications and Press Cuttings” receiving 60 on all aspects of international affairs covering different organisations, regions and thematic issues. - “Contract With UNESCO” concluded in 1981 to associate with the Centre’s Conferences on issues of particular importance, such as world peace and development. This is part of a growing series of links that the Centre has established with international organisations since its founding, such as the UN, World Bank, UNICEF, Commonwealth Secretariat and the EEC. - “Certificate of Merit” by the UK UN Association for the Centre’s use of media to further international peace and justice. - “The United Kingdom Freedom from Hunger Campaign” on the projects in India, Zambia and Malawi, Thailand and Sudan.Page 22 & 23. - “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee”. - “United Nations Association, Welsh National Council '' 35th General Meeting concentrating role as a non-party, political pressure organisation maintaining contact with MP, MEP and prospective candidates. Policy Developments discussed were international development strategy, detente, disarmament and deterrence, disaster and relief organisations, nuclear disarmament, EEC and the Palestinian Question, Northern Ireland, El Salvador and the Israeli attack on Iraq. The UK General Council in London discussed resolutions in Afghanistan, Bolivia, Central America, chemical and biological weapons, revision of the UN Charter, Kampuchea, human rights, Law of the Sea, preservation of world forests, dependent territories and arms sales to Third World countries. “Council for Education in World Citizenship - Cymru” Annual General Meeting discussing economic trends in the Pacific, its emergence in the world market, the IYDP Sudan UNICEF appeal, and the future of ‘O-Level’s.Page 24 & 25. - Continuation of the “Council for Education in World Citizenship - Cymru” Annual General Meeting discussing Welsh language materials, the teaching of development education, the Brandt Report with a wide variety of school events throughout the year. - “Freedom From Hunger Campaign (Wales)” Biennial Fair in Cardigg where £5000 was raised to support Welsh Centre to enable it to continue its work for underprivileged people all over the world. Since its inception, the total amount raised by the Welsh Committee has approached £600,000. - “Valete” on key figures leaving posts.Page 27. - “The Welsh Centre Exists To” advertisement and form for donation.Page 29. - Advertisement for “The North Wales Institute of Higher Education”.Page 30. - “What the Welsh Centre for International Affairs has achieved” poster promoting as a coordinating and administrative centre for international campaigns in Wales, visits to schools, organised voluntary work camps, fundraising for the IYC, forming practica links various international organisations, organised UK involvement in the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, provide a Standing Conference for local authorities and national institutions, and held annual anniversary Meetings addressed by leading statesmen.

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