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WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, was founded in 1973 to be 'Wales' voice in the world' - championing the cause of Internationalism started by the founders of Wales' Temple of Peace from 1938. WCIA continues this work today - approaching its *50th Anniversary* in 2023 - leading Welsh projects on Global Learning, Global Action, Global Partnerships and Peace Heritage, as well as acting as the guardians and venue hire/managers for Wales' iconic Temple of Peace & Health.
SUMMARY: The 11th Annual Report by the WCIA provides a closer look into the partnerships the Welsh Centre has with various international organisations like the International Maritime Organisation, UNESCO and the EEC. The venture with CEWC-Cymru has expanded from its syllabus acceptance to the Centre’s involvement in higher education initiatives with Cardiff as well as in many schools in Wales which had garnered significant interest both at home and abroad.
CONTENTS Page 1. - COVER Page of the WCIA 11th Annual Report.Page 3. - CONTENTS Page.Page 5. - “President’s Foreword” George Thomas of the WCIA in English and Welsh reflecting on the worsening relations between the superpowers, widening gaps between rich and poor countries, the establishment of a Welsh Centre Fellow in Development Studies, and reinforce the principles of the UN Charter in the WCIA’s efforts to tackle hunger, poverty, disease and ignorance.Page 6 & 7. - “Message from the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organisation” C. P. Srivastava praised the WCIA’s efforts for worldwide cooperation and closer ties between nations and peoples, especially with maritime affairs. - “Membership” of WCIA.Page 8 & 9. - Continuation of “Membership” of WCIA.Page 10 & 11. - Continuation of “Membership” of WCIA.Page 12 & 13. - Continuation of “Membership” of WCIA. - “The Tenth Anniversary” Meeting of the Welsh Centre on the theme ‘The Role of the EEC in the World of Today’ around the economic recession, relationships with the ‘Third World’ and political cooperation within the community. - “Second Annual Dinner” of the Welsh Centre with guest speaker Shaikh Yamani, the Saudi Arabian Oil Minister followed by a transcript of his speech.Page 14 & 15. - Activities of the WCIA. 1983 Events. - “International Residential Conference for Students in Industry (CEWC-Cymru, Aberystwyth, September 8-11” on the theme of ‘International Communications Year’. - “The Tom Jones Concert, St David’s Hall, Cardiff, September 11” raised £20,000 for the Welsh Centre appeal. - “Wales Ladies FFHC Committee Fair, City Hall, Cardiff, September 13”. - “Allders Fashion Show, City Hall, Cardiff, September 15” raised £550 in aid of UNICEF. - “Salvation Army Concert, St. David’s Hall, Cardiff, September 17” raised £338 in aid of UNICEF. - “Second Autumn Seminar of the Alliance of Western European Voluntary Service Organisations, St Athan, September 18-23”. - “Teachers’ Centre, Clydach (CEWC-Cymru), September 20” South Wales Meeting for those involved in the ‘AO’ Level Course in World Development. - “Centre for Religious Education, Bangor (CEWC-Cymru), September 22” North Wales Meeting for those involved in the ‘AO’ Level Course in World Development. - “Clwyd Conference on ‘The World Bank’ (in conjunction with the Clwyd County Council), Mold, September 30’ where a senior World Bank official came to Wales to discuss methods of tendering for its contracts with leading businessmen. - “Launch of Project Nigeria, Cardiff, September 30”. - “Foreign and Commonwealth Office Seminar on Disarmament, London, October 19” where Welsh Centre Director Bill Davies and representatives of 20 other non-governmental organisations met Minister of State Richard Luce MP and disarmament experts to discuss government policies. - “Tenth Anniversary Meeting (in conjunction with UNESCO), Temple of Peace, October 21”. See page 13. - “Visit of Mr Nicholai Turkatenko, UN Association of the USSR, October 23-25” toured South Wales. - “Model Security Council Debate (CEWC-Cymru and Cardiff UNA), Temple of Peace, November 18” on the subject of the Lebanon crisis with 18 participating schools. - “Visit of Mr David Summerhayes, Disarmament Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, North Wales, November 24-25”. - “Presentation of Welsh Centre UNICEF Award Scheme Trophies by Mr William Davies, President of the Welsh National Council of the UN Association, Temple of Peace, December 9”. See page 29. - “All Faiths Service, Temple of Peace, December 11”.Page 16 & 17. - 1984 events. - “Celebratory Dinner, Ladies FFHC Committee, Temple of Peace, January 13” celebrating its successful Autumn Fair. - “Visit of Mr C P Srivastava, Secretary-General, International Maritime Organisation (IMO), South and West Wales, February 6-7”. - “Visit of Sir Arthur Davies, Emeritus Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and Lady Davies to the Mayor of the Vale of Glamorgan, Barry, February 8”. - “Visit of the Director of the Welsh Centre to NATO and SHAPE, Brussels and Mons, March 1-2”. - “Annual General Meeting, Welsh National Council, UN Association, Temple of Peace, March 24”. See page 29. - “National Residential Sixth Form Conference, (CEWC-Cymru), Coleg Harlech, April 9-13”. See page 18. - “General Council, UN Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Coventry, April 13-15”. - “Downing Street Dinner, April 16” where the Director of the Welsh Centre was invited by the Prime Minister to a Dinner held in honour of the UN Secretary-General and Heads of Specialised Agencies holding their first meeting in London for six years. - “Welsh Centre BBC TV Appeal by Viscount Tonypandy, April 15” realised £435. - “Presentation by Director of the Welsh Centre of the Women’s Institutes UNICEF Awards, Carmarthen, April 19”. - “Visit to Headquarters of International Maritime Organisation (IMO) London, April 25” by the Director of the Welsh Centre and members of the UNA Welsh Centre reciprocating Mr Srivastava’s earlier visit to Wales. - “Visit of Mr David Richardson, Director, International Labour Office, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, May 8-9” to various locations in Wales. - “Commonwealth Parliamentarians Dinner, Cardiff Castle, May 15” hosted by the Secretary of State for Wales where the Director met representatives from Commonwealth countries. - “Visit of Mr David Summerhayes, Disarmament Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, West Wales, May 21-23”. - “Visit of Mr Erik Jensen, Director, UN Information Centre, London, South, Mid and West Wales, June 13-15”. - “Visit of Mr Malcolm Harper, Director, UN Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, North Wales June 25-27” to various locations in North Wales.Page 18 & 19. - Continuation of 1984 events. - “Director addressed Arfon Borough Council’s Finance and General Purposes Committee, Caernarvon, July 5”. - “Meeting with Mr Timothy Cullen, Head, Public relations, World Bank Europe, London, July 16” discussing future collaborations. - “Welsh Centre Second Annual Dinner, City Hall, Cardiff, July 30”. See page 13. - “International Service Programme - All Wales, July-August”. See page 19. - “CEWC Highlights” includes the Annual Residential Sixth Form Conference with a varied programme of lectures, films, discussions, simulation exercises and debates aimed at comparing some of George Orwell’s ‘predictions’ with the realities of the world in 1984. The ‘AO’ Level in World Development will be expanding and a new partnership was formed with five schools in Gwent with an innovative Conference with 5th Formers on ideas around ‘Development and Interdependence’. - “International Service Highlights” for a summer work camp program by the WCIA, with 140 volunteers involved from 19 countries. It has shown steady growth and hopes that the International Youth Year 1985 will help to expand into Welsh counties and appeal for contacts.Page 20 & 21. - “United Nations Association - Summer Workcamps 1984” list of locations, dates and details of the activity involved. - Article on the First “Welsh Centre Fellow”, Mrs Alison Heard, appointed at University College, Cardiff in the Department of Education as part of a new partnership venture for the WCIA. This stems from the development by CEWC-Cymru, the schools’ arm of the WCIA, of the first syllabus in Development education with the aim to promote it at all levels. Cooperation in raising funds and pooling academic expertise by various bodies has attracted considerable interest at home and abroad. The Director of the Welsh Centre was invited to become a Hon Lecturer in the Department of Education. - “Tenth Anniversary Appeal / Target - £100,000”.Page 22 & 23. - “Finance” section with Income and Expenditures of the WCIA up to December 1983.Page 24 & 25. - Continuation of the “Finance” section with Income and Expenditures of the WCIA up to December 1983.Page 26 & 27. - “The Committee on Legal Affairs” meetings in preparation for the Conference at the Temple of Peace on the Court of Justice of the European Communities. - “The Advisory Committee for Development Education and Information” covered several topics in the session. - “Special Papers” published by the WCIA. - “The Information/Resource Centre” development to provide information on comprehensive nature on a variety of subjects concerned with international affairs, the ‘Third World’, and development in general. - “Register of Speakers” compilation of people throughout Wales prepared to speak on a variety of subjects connected with development education.Page 28 & 29. - “Publications and Press Cuttings” receiving 60 on all aspects of international affairs covering different organisations, regions and thematic issues. - “UNESCO in Wales” article on the close relationship between the two organisations with various work in Wales. Exhibitions, publications, pamphlets and a Resource Centre is made available while CEWC-Cymru promotes the ideals of UNESCO in schools in Wales, complimenting the collaboration with the Annual Anniversary Meeting. - “The United Kingdom Freedom from Hunger Campaign” on the projects it supports in India and Zambia, as well as developing the work of the Centre for World Development Education (CWDE) London, CEWC-Cymru and fund the Welsh Centre Fellow in Development Studies in Cardiff. - “UNICEF updates on its World Children’s Week, fundraising of £1500 through a dairy milk-round and Welsh Centre volunteers. It highlights the Welsh Centre UNICEF Award Scheme that raises £3000 for UNICEF and participants across a cross-section of community groups, the Urdd Appeal or the ‘Water or Tears’ project to provide wells in Sudan, and attendance at the Annual Wales meeting of the Women’s Institute at Carmarthen. - “Reports of Organisations represented on the Coordinating Committee”. - “United Nations Association, Welsh National Council '' 38th Annual General Meeting on policy developments.Page 30 & 31. - Continuation of the “United Nations Association, Welsh National Council '' 38th Annual General Meeting on policy developments to the future of Namibia, the Middle East, South Korean Plane Disaster, Geneva Disarmament Talks, US Foreign policy, international financial institutions, Grenada, Lebanon, UN Intermediate Nuclear Force talks, the International Debt Question, ‘NATO at the Crossroads’ and the Crisis in the Gulf’. - “Council for Education in World Citizenship-Cymru” Annual General Meeting, conferences, meetings and competitions around the World Development syllabus, a Model Security Council Debate, the Brandt Report, lectures on disarmament and interdependence and the Sallie Davies Memorial Prize. - “Freedom from Hunger Campaign (Wales)” made a successful contribution of £4000 from a Ladies Committee fair at Cardiff City Hall for the Welsh Centre appeal. They are in preparations for another Fair in aid of the work of UNICEF. - “Staff” section on grants and staff changes. - “Obituaries” of Sir Alfred Nicholas and County Councillor Ron Jones.Page 32 & 33. - “The Welsh Centre for International Affairs” donation form. - Advertisement for “The North E Wales Institute of higher education”. Page 34. - “The Welsh Centre and its Achievements” poster.

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