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Letter from Wing Commander F.S. Fowley informing John Martin's parents that he was missing in action. It is dated January 31st, 1944.
[Transcription: From Wing Commander F.S. Fowley, D.F.C., A.F.C. Royal Air Force Station, Kirmington, Lincolnshire. 31st January, 1944. Dear Mr. Martin, May I be permitted to express my own and the Squadron's sincere sympathy with you in the sad news concerning your son, Sergeant Ernest John Martin. The aircraft of which he was the Wireless Operator took off to attack Berlin on the night of the 30th January, 1944, and nothing further has been heard. You may be aware that in quite a large percentage of cases aircrew reported missing are eventually reported prisoner of war and I hope that this may give you some comfort in your anxiety. Although your son had only been with this squadron for a short time I had formed a high opinion of his capabilities and his loss is deeply regretted. I am enclosing a list of the names and addresses of the next of kin of other members of the crew as you may wish to communicate with them. Any further information that may be received will be forwarded to you immediately. Yours very sincerely, (signature).] H. Martin, Esq. Sunnyside, Drakes Row, Eaton Socon, Hunts.]
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