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In 1926, Aberystwyth hosted an International Congress equivalent to today’s United Nations (UN) Assembly: the Federation of League of Nations Societies. Originally due to be hosted by Dresden, plans collapsed when Germany’s accession to the League of Nations was opposed by some nations. Into the breach stepped David Davies of Llandinam and the Welsh League of Nations Union, who in just a few months organised for Aberystwyth University to host the delegates from all over the world. This Souvenir Programme created for delegates remains in the Temple Archives of WCIA - present-day successor to WNLU - and records not only the Programme of Events and Meetings, but also a comprehensive guide to the attractions of West Wales. This programme was displayed as part of an exhibition in the Hugh Owen Library in 2016, to mark the 90th Anniversary of ‘the world coming to Aberystwyth’. Librarian Elgan Phillips has researched and written up the story of the Congress, which can be explored further from WCIA’s “Peacemakers Features” articles at Heddwch.Cymru.
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