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The Freedom from Hunger Campaign was set up in early 1960s and quickly became one of Wales' most widespread humanitarian causes, with FFHC community groups popping up Wales-wide to raise funds for development projects across the global south.
This invaluable 'catalogue of projects' enabled communities to identify specific projects they wanted to sponsor, adopt and raise funds towards, giving each group and fundraing effort a community and friendship focus - from Lesotho to India and the Americas.
Set up initially at the initiative of the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in 1960, FFHC in Wales was launched at the Temple of Peace in 1962, coordinated by a dedicated and energetic committee of influential volunteers under leadership of the formidable Mrs J T Morgan (or 'Morgan's shop fame - Wales' anser to Harrods). So highly regarded was Wales' leadership in the international movement, that in. 1977 the decision was taken to relocate the FFHC global HQ to the Temple of Peace, where it remained as part of the WCIA 'machinery' until FFHC's 'wind up' in 1997.
FFHC's funding catapulted many (existing, but small) aid charities to upscale and become 'household names' in international development, including Oxfam, UNICEF, Save the Children and many others.

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