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Drawing showing aspects of Cae Glas, Llanfrothen, by Falcon Hildred, 2009. Cae Glas is an early storeyed house of classic Snowdonian plan-type with a voussoir-headed cross-passage doorway and a projecting end chimney. The cross-passage was fully screened with post-and-panel partitions between the outer rooms and the hall. The first floor was open to the roof with two trusses of collar-beam type and two tiers of cusped windbraces. The principal chamber has a corbelled-out fireplace. Tree-ring dating commissioned by Cymdeithas Hanes Beddgelert in association with RCAHMW found that the following felling dates: Principal rafters: 1547; Mantel-beam 1547; Collar beam:1546; Screen heads: 1545 For more on Cae Glas and it's occupants, see the story:
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