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Aerial photo showing Caerau Hillfort and surrounding houses.
Caerau hillfort is one of the largest and best preserved in South Wales. Hillforts are large defended settlements, fortified by massive banks and ditches (ramparts), and built more than 2,000 years ago in the Iron Age. Today the ramparts of Caerau hillfort are hidden beneath trees, but it was once a stronghold of the powerful Silures tribe who inhabited this part of Wales before the arrival of the Romans.
Archaeologists from Cardiff University have teamed up with Ely and Caerau Communities First, local residents and the local schools to start the Caerau And Ely Rediscovering (CAER) Heritage Project (
The aim of the project is to explore the history and archaeology of Caerau and Ely from prehistory through to the modern day, focussed around the magnificent Caerau Iron Age hillfort.

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