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Skokholm - Jean Donovan painting the exterior wall of Eclipse, one of the Assistant Wardens bedrooms. The workshop/store is at the right-hand end of the building. The processing date on the slide is November 1994. Scanned image 94-11-08.
Jean Elizabeth Donovan (1935-2009). Jean was born in Cheshire. She trained and later lectured in agriculture, specifically dairying. She moved to Pembrokeshire when she was appointed as dairy husbandry advisor by ADAS and posted to the county. Her work and interest in wildlife brought her into contact with Jack Donovan (photographer of the above) whom she married in 1962. Both were very active in their work with the Wildlife Trust and its predecessors in title.
The processing date on the slide is November 1994. Scanned image 94-11-08.
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