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Interview with Ian Horsburgh about how he defines his role and views on volunteering in Cardiff. Interview recorded on 16 November 2016 in Cardiff.
The Chronicle Project is a community heritage project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and run by VCS Cymru with the aims to document the history of volunteering in Cardiff, from 1914 to 2014.
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IH = Ian Horsburgh, MH = Mike Hawkins
MH: So Ian. how would you summarise your volunteering contribution to society, what difference it made?
IH: I think you start with an idea or see a need to help other people where there is a gap in provision or services or something, and you have quite a radical idea to help people and you put in a lot of time and energy with a lot of people saying you can't do that, it's not possible. And you then get other people other like a like mind together, and then set up a body to put forward suggestions and do things and get funding which you do voluntarily and you may be employing people and then eventually, ah, authority, establishment start to listen to what you have got to say.
And then eventually they take on board a lot of what you say. That doesn't mean there's still not scope for voluntary bodies which authority, the government can’t do but it does mean that a lot could be done by it and is taken on board.
MH: Do you think it has changed a lot since the 70s?
IH: It’s changed an enormous amount. So much has now been taken on board but there is still a lot which needs changing and being dealt with.
MH: Generally, what does volunteering mean for you?
IH: It means people giving up their own time to help others in need.
MH: Thank you very much.
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