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A follow-up interview with Ian Horsburgh, about the Charles Street Carnival, Cardiff.

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IH= Ian Horsburgh

IH: The Charles Street Carnival being very successful in the summer, so we decided we'd have a Christmas Festival in Grassroots coffee bar. We didn't have any money for it so we scratched around and put on a few events, and I can't quite remember what they all were but the one that I do remember was a film show. And we had somebody who worked as a social worker in Whitchurch Hospital, I think it was at Whitchurch, and he brought some people with, shall we say learning disabilities, and he brought a whole crowd of them down to the coffee bar one evening. Unfortunately the only film we could get - oh, we found a projector from somewhere, I think that must have been from Whitchurch Hospital - the only film we could find, um, was “Johnny Morris goes Youth Hostelling”. And while these people didn't really know anything about Youth Hostelling or Johnny Morris, but it didn't really matter because we couldn't quite get the film right and it seemed to go backwards. But they didn't seem to notice that either, um, and it was rather funny with Johnny Morris I can remember walking along a canal but walking along backwards [laughs] instead of forwards. And then an unfortunate thing happened, one of the kids got up and knocked the projector over and the film went flying all over the floor, and broke. And we spent days desperately trying to get this film back together again, which we got for nothing from Cardiff Youth Hostel Association. And somehow we had to get it all back in the spool. Um, but they didn't seem to notice that, they didn't seem to mind that. And there was also The Great Ernesto there, he did his conjuring trick, the one with the guillotine and the carrot and putting your finger in and it might get chopped off or whatever, but they didn't quite follow that either and they didn't find that at all funny. So that was the end of the winter carnival. There was only one and that was it … but it was quite funny [laughs].

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