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An article describing demonstrations against the Greek consulate following a coup d'état on 21 April 1967, when a group of right-wing army officers seized power in Greece.

Betty Ambatielos was born in Pontypridd and has been described as "a Welsh Communist who became a doughty campaigner for Greek democracy". She married Antonis (Tony) Ambatielos, a prominent Greek Communist. A biography can be found at

The Rev. Alfred Willetts was a pacifist and a CND campaigner. Together with his wife, he was a campaigner for the ordination of women. An obituary can be found on the Guardian website:


Protest marchers find consulate closed

TWENTY-TWO anti-Greek Government demonstrators marched through the centre of Cardiff on Saturday to the Greek consulate in George Street, Docks, with banners calling for the release of former Cardiff school teacher Mrs. Betty Ambatielos.

Earlier their leaders had delivered a letter to the consul protesting about the recent military coup.

The letter also demanded the release of Mrs. Ambatielos, who has been held by the regime for more than a week without being charged.

But when the marchers - mostly CND and the League for Democracy in Greece supporters - reached George Street they found the consulate had been closed for the day. There were no incidents.

The Rev. Alfred Willetts, who led the march, addressed the demonstrators from the consulate steps.

He urged them to write letters of protest to their M.P.s, the Greek Government and the Prime Minister.

Deploring the British Government's acceptance of “an extreme right wing tyranny,” he said the Fascist poison should never be allowed to spread again.

Mr Willetts, who is the vicar of Avan Vale, in the Afan Valley, was formerly the curate of St John's Church, Canton, Cardiff.

From Microform, Local Studies, Cardiff Library.
Image created by The British Library Board.
Copyright: Media Wales.

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