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Picture: 1
The White Tip, Potypridd, Crawshay's Iron Works, Trefforest, Lime heap, November 1984
Taraxacum taracoides red leaves. Pontypridd white tip, November 1984
Marys species name: Taraxacum taracoides
Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale agg
Common name: Dandelion
Date: November 1984
Picture: 2
The White Tip, Potypridd, Crawshay's Iron Works, Trefforest, Lime heap, November 1984
Pilosella and Centaurium Treforrest lime tip, November 1984
Date: November 1984
Picture: 3
Linaria repens. Traforest Station wall. Gedrys, August 1972
Marys species name: Linaria repens
Scientific name: Linaria repens
Common name: Pale Toadflax
Date: August 1972
Picture: 4
Mycorhiza, root nodules. Trees. Fragrant + birds nest orchid. Alder, sea buckthorn root nodules.
Alnus glutinosa nitrogen fixing root nodules. Gedrys 1971
Marys species name: Alnus glutinosa
Scientific name: Alnus glutinosa
Common name: Alder
Date: 1971
Picture: 5
Water Plants
Epilobium hirsutum between railway and factories. Trefforest. 06/07/1971
Marys species name: Epilobium hirsutum
Scientific name: Epilobium hirsutum
Common name: Great Willowherb
Date: 06/07/1971
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