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A poster for a Mini Music Fest, held on the 5th of June at the Norwegian Church in Cardiff Bay.

The Music Fest was part of the event organised by VCS Cymru (known then as VCS Cardiff) for the Volunteers’ Week 2013 at Norwegian Church. The event was aimed at celebrating the dedication and commitment volunteers give to Cardiff, and the impact volunteering has on community, the city's economy, diversity and inclusivity, and health and wellbeing. The event was an opportunity to recognise the volunteers’ hard work and hours given to many organisations. The partner organisations involved were: Cardiff and Vale College, Cardiff Council, South Wales Police, VCS, Diverse Cymru, and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

Voluntary Community Service (VCS) was established in Cardiff in October 1964 with main aim, as stated in its constitution, to promote any charitable purposes, advancement of education, relief of poverty, distress and sickness in the City of Cardiff. Originally VCS co-ordinated a team of volunteers involved in activities such as helping elderly people with gardening and decorating, running summer ‘work camps’ for children and young people. Its mission today is to enable people who are most disadvantaged to engage with rewarding volunteering opportunities, facilitating their personal development and employment prospects.

VCS Cymru, VCS.2016.14

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