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South Wales News’ article 'Cardiff Naturalists' Society' on the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee. The newspaper writes of its success and well -earned respect and admiration from Cardiff citizens. "Throughout its long career it has been fortunate in commanding the support of some of our most gifted citizens, who have contributed to its research and educational activities much time and well-conceived effort." It speaks of the value of the society and the wonder of educational aspects, teaching arts and sciences to everyone, and the members who have contributed greatly to its research. "...the society has placed our whole community under a debt of gratitude and appreciation."The Cardiff Naturalists' Society was established in 1867 in Cardiff, Glamorgan, on the initiative of Robert Drane, F.L.S. (1833-1914). The society is the longest established wildlife organisation in the area and promotes the study of natural history, geology and the natural sciences. The Society held many lectures and talks on a variety of topics, as well as field trips and exhibitions. They have strong links with the National Museum Wales in Cardiff, which holds a large collection of volumes created by the Naturalists. The society is still active today and holds a yearly programme.Glamorgan Archives, DCNS 4/5________________________________________Copyright statement: we made the best endeavours to discover the rights holders of the items on display. In instances where the rights holder could not be found, or the work was unattributed, we kindly request that anyone with information regarding the item contact us. Anyone believing that they are the rights holder should follow the ‘notice and take-down’ policy (below).Notice and take-down: should you identify any unlawful content published by VCS Cymru Chronicle on the People’s Collection Wales website, such as material that infringes copyright, you should notify VCS Cymru and ask for the material to be removed.
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