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[Researched and compiled by the VCS Chronicle project.]
These squad challenge medals belonged to Corporal C. Naish of the 14th Cardiff Company of the Boys' Brigade, and were acquired from Trinity Methodist Church by Capt. Powell.
The two silver-coloured rectangular badges are attached to a black fabric backing. One of them reads “SQUAD CHALLENGE MEDAL SESSION 1913-14. CORPL. C. NAISH. 14TH CARDIFF COMPY.B.B.”, while the other one simply says “1915”. These badges were obtained when the Trinity Methodist Church closed.
The Boys' Brigade (BB) is an interdenominational Christian youth organisation, founded by Sir William Alexander Smith in Glasgow in 1883. The Object of The Boys’ Brigade is: “The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness” and the Boys’ Brigade Motto is: “Sure & Steadfast [previously Stedfast]”. The motto is taken from the bible, the book of Hebrews, Chapter 6, Verse 19. (, accessed 7/12/17.)
“The Boys’ Brigade is dependent on over 13,000 volunteer leaders who come from all walks of life to share their time, skills, passion and faith. Many of our leaders come from within the Church family of which the Company is a part and see the work within BB as a practical expression of their Christian witness.” (, accessed 7/12/17.)
For a history of the Boys’ Brigade see
Cardiff Story Museum, CARCM:2011.280.1-2
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