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Graig station, on the Barry Line at
Pontypridd, was the starting point of
many Sunday school trips to Barry Island.

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Comments (1)

Rhobat Bryn Jones's profile picture
The title Graig station is misleading. I do not know the date of the photograph but the horse and cart suggest pre-1922 and the title on the photo states that it is the Barry Railway station, also pre-1922. Until the GWR took over, the station was known as Pontypridd station and if there was a need to distinguish this from the Taff Vale station, it was referred to as Pontypridd station Barry Railway. It was only when the GWR took over that if found itself with two stations on its hands, Pontypridd TVR and Pontypridd Barry. To distinguish them, it renamed the TVR one Pontypridd Central and the Barry one Pontypridd Graig. The title you have given to this photograph is therefore anachronistic.

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