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Criccieth - Tickling Salmon.
Christmas legend (Translated from Welsh).
It is said that the old people used to worship hills and rivers because they believed that some living spirit permeated through them, and that it was from the power of the corn that grew on the hills, and the water in the rivers that their life was sustained. The rivers Dwyfor and Dwyfach, in Eifionydd, are based on tradition, or rather a tradition based on their names, because of their divine sacredness which were the objects of worship of ancestors. A legend relating to the Dwyfach is that salmon used to come to its shores on Christmas morning and everyone who wanted, was allowed to to tickle them with their hands, and sometimes lift them up from the water, although they did not like this. They did this regularly until the change in the year, which caused a pause in the ritual, due to the the old and the new method of the timing of Christmas.
Y Genedl Gymreig
August 25 1908
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