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Photographed by Geoff Charles. This photograph shows Meredydd Evans (b. 1919) talking to 'Llwyd o'r Bryn' (Robert Lloyd) (1888-1961). 'Llwyd o'r Bryn' was a popular recitation adjudicator and competitor at local and national eisteddfodau. He was born at Cefnddwysarn, Merionethshire. Meredydd Evans was born at Llanegryn, Merionethshire, but was raised at Tanygrisiau, near Blaenau Ffestiniog. He studied philosophy at the University College of North Wales, Bangor, before moving to the United States of America in the 1950s where he completed his doctorate and became a lecturer at Boston University. On his return to Wales, he returned to his old university at Bangor as a tutor before joining BBC Cymru as Head of Light Entertainment in 1963. He remained in this post for a decade and was responsible for a number of extremely popular programmes, such as 'Fo a Fe' and 'Ryan a Ronnie'. During his student days at Bangor, he had been a member of the popular singing trio 'Triawd y Coleg' and was well-known as a singer, performer and composer. MerĂªd and his wife, Phyllis Kinney, are also known for their pioneering work in tracing the history of Welsh folk music and are the authors of numerous publications on the subject.

Source: Meic Stephens (ed.), 'Cydymaith i Lenyddiaeth Cymru' (Caerdydd, 1997).

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