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Witness Statement: Charles Young tells of the weapons possesed by the mob, of seeing Richard Rorke joining the mob and of firing soon after.

see down Stow Hill as far the Westgate Inn, the whole space was filled by the mob - some of them were armed with Guns, others with spears others others with Mandrels Bludgeons and other offensive weapons I saw the Prisoner at the Prisoner at the Bar Bar that day whilst the mob was - going down Stow Hill , I saw him Coming up on the pavement on the left hand side of Charles Street , he was walking fast, he came up to the mob, he - went into the mob and I lost - sight of him, the mob was then - going down towards the Westgate Inn . This was before the Westgate Inn was attacked. I heard firing very soon after I lost sight of the Prisoner in the Crowd. I did not see anything in the Prisoner's Hand. The

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