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Witness Statement: John Lewis' continued statement, indicating his surprise at suddenly being asked to give evidence.
Phillips the then Mayor, afterwards to the - Insp Superintendant of Police. The Superintendant did not in my presence reduce my statement into writing. I did not make my written information before a Magistrate of the occurrence which had taken place. I have not at any time made any written information before a Magistrate of the - occurence - this Charge is not brought - forwards at my request- Yesterday was the first time I received information that I would be - b wanting to give Evidence - that was a verbal communication by Mr Hopkins the Superintendant of Police, he did not then tell me the charge that was against the Prisoner, he told me so to day - He told me the charge was riot and sedition - I took down in writing what took place between- me and the Prisoner because I thought it likely that I should not be called upon to give Evidence so soon as this. I thought it possible that I might be called upon to give evidence of what then took place in three of four years - afterwards. I will undertake to swear
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