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Witness Statement: In the case against Wright Beatty, who is charged with conspiracy and riot, the beginning of Alfred Tibbs' statement, describing the Chartists, with weapons, coming down Stow Hill to the Westgate In
Edward Hopkins sworn states I Alfred Tibbs sworn states - I am a Clerk in the employment of the Monmouthshire Iron and Coal Company - I reside in the Borough of Newport . I have been out of this room during the Examination of the last Witness no communication has been made to me of what the last witness deposed to. I know the Prisoner - Wright Beatty . I remember the 4th november last. I was at that time residing in the town of Newport About 9 o'clock in the morning of that day I was standing at Mr Clements shop, it is near the- Westgate , it is the opposite side of the Street from the Westgate Inn . Stow Hill leads down in that direction. I saw a great number of men in- my estimation about 5000 5000 men coming down - Stow Hill . When they came down to the bottom of the Hill they turned round to the right in - front of the Westgate Inn . All that I saw were armed, some with Pikes, some with Guns and - other weapons. I saw no one in the crowd - coming down the Hill that I knew. While they were in front of the Westgate I saw -
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