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Witness Statement: Alfred Tibb's continued statement, identifying Wright Beatty as a man he saw firing a gun through a window of the Westgate.
the Prisoner Wright Beatty amongst them , he was - armed, he carried a Gun. I saw him use his Gun - He fired his piece through the window , the window nearest the entrance into the Westgate Stable Yard, I was then standing at the distance of a couple of yards from the Prisoner. When he had fired I think he loaded his piece again, that is my impression, but I am not certain that he did so. I did not at the time know that there were military Stationed in the room into which the Prisoner fired. I knew it in a very few Minutes afterwards because I saw the Military firing out of it upon the mob in the Street. I think there had been firing from the room before the [ ... ]Prisoner fired into it. My estimation of the number - collected in front of the Westgate upon that occasion is 5000. I saw one person fall from - a shot fired at him thro the window . I saw alto gether I think nine dead bodies in the Westgate and outside. I had seen the Prisoner upon more than one ocassion before I was quite well acquainted with his person.
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