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Witness Statement: Alfred Tibb's continued statement, with further justification for identifying Wright Beatty as the man he saw firing.

14 [Page number top centre] of his dress, it was not a time to take many - observations. I was standing close to him about as far from him as I am now, so close to him that I knew him perfectly well, there were persons round me, I saw the Prisoner and I knew him very well. a great number of persons were around me - but I can't say whether there were any between me and him. I was not examined as a witness at the Special Commission at Monmouth . I shortly afterwards gave information to Mr Hopkins the Superintendant of Police of my having seen the Prisoner firing at the Westgate . I did not at any time reduce into writing what I had seen at the Westgate. It was too deeply impressed on my mind to forget it, it was almost impossible to forget it. When I saw the Prisoner in the Town a week or 10 days ago, I saw the - Superintendant of Police and told him of my having seen him & he told me it was his intention to take him. I was not at all alarmed at the time. I saw the mob coming

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