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This collecting box was used by the King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association to collect money on Flag Day for the Crusade against Consumption. It is made of tin covered with cream paper labelled in green and red and it is 5” high and 3.5” in diameter. The words typewritten on it are: “The Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association", “Crusade against Consumption", ”No change” and the dates 21 Jul 1914 and 22 Jul 1914 crossed with a blue pencil and 23 Jul 1914, suggesting it was used on all three days. It was donated to the Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales in 1972.

The King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association was a voluntary organisation established in 1910 to combat pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in Wales. In 1912 the association was granted a Charter of Incorporation and in 1921 became a statutory body when the Public Health (Tuberculosis) Act became national legislation. The Association sought to provide dispensaries for medicines used in the treatment of TB, to provide a research facility at the Welsh National School of Medicine, to manage sanatoria for treatment and recovery of patients suffering from TB and to fund educational talks and increase public awareness of their role in the prevention of TB. With the setting up of the National Health Service in 1948, the Association’s role in the fight against TB became redundant and they were disbanded. Many local authority TB units across Britain were disbanded as well and their facilities were absorbed into the newly established National Health Service.

Flag days were days when charity collections would take place in the street. They were named so because members of charity organisations would often sell pins or badges shaped as flags in return for a small monetary donation.

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, F72-359/1

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