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Pg1 Giving thanks to Lord Kennet, previously Minister of Health. Lord Snell, Leader of the Labour party in the House of Lords. Lord Meston of the Liberal party. Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, lawyer, politician, diplomat, architect of the League of Nations and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1937. Professor Gilbert Murray, classical scholar, public intellectual, Liberal party supporter, Vice-President of the League of Nations Society from 1916, a member of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations from 1922 to 1939 and its president from 1928 to 1939. Lord Davies thanks and replies to all those involved and those international statesmen of Welsh origin who have relayed messages of congratulations. He relates his vision for the activities of the organisations to be housed in the building and why a purpose built home was necessary. The speech concludes with a summary of Wale's involvement in the peace movement from Dr. Richard Price onwards.
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