Kate’s museum: transcribing the daybooks of...
Kate Bosse-Griffiths (1910-1998)
Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914)
Heinz Koppel (1919-1980)
Point Cloud Models of Ship Wrecks from the...
Interactive point cloud model of the U 87
Gustav Pritshow: from Magdeburg to Morfa Nefyn
Photograph of the Pritshow family, Morfa Nefyn
Gustav Pritshow’s medals for his service in the...
A response letter from the German Youth Red...
A response letter to the boys and girls of...
A response letter to the Goodwill message...
A response letter to the Goodwill message in...
A response letter to the Goodwill message, 1930
A response to the Goodwill message letter...
A response to the Goodwill message written in...
A response letter to the Goodwill message from...