Hensol Castle Patients Shopping
Hensol Castle Patient Farming
Hensol Castle Hospital Newspaper Article 1967
Ely Hospital Resident's Charter
Ely Hospital: Hidden Now Heard
Whiteboard at Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now...
Labels at Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now...
Exhibit at Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now...
Privacy at Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now...
Ronald Evan's story at Carmarthenshire...
Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now Heard exhibition
Carmarthenshire Museum Hidden Now Heard Exhibition
Leaflet describing the redevelopment at Bryn Y...
Article describing the public outrage at plans...
Patients experience 'primitive' life
Article describing plans to resettle residents...
Ely Hospital nurse with young resident
Llanfrechfra Grange Hospital public fury at...
Llanfrechfra Grange Hospital closure warning
Hidden Now Heard Exhibition at Swansea Museum
Local article regarding Hensol residents'...
Bathing regulations from Morgannwg Hospital...
The grounds of Hensol Castle Hospital