How to register

Step 1: Register

Fill in the on-line registration form and submit, and an email is sent to the address entered. Complete the process by clicking the link in the message to verify your email address (if you don’t get our email, check your spam folder).

Step 2: Set up your user-profile

When you register, a default user-profile is created, using the display name you chose. You can change your display-name at any time, go to your account page and select Edit your profile – you can also change your password, add a picture, description or add a link to your own website.

Here are two examples, before and after customizing your profile:

edit account
figure 3 – default user-profile on registration

example of well structure profile
figure 4 – customized user-profile


Notifications will also be sent to your account page, to an area under your user-profile. You will get notifications to tell you when an item you created has passed (or failed) moderation, and for a number of reasons when other users interact with your published items.

figure 5 - example user notifications


Next: Upload
