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In this letter dated 15 August 1967, Michael Layzell writes about his Community Service Volunteer placement with Voluntary Community Service (VCS) and volunteer replacing Charles Coombes in September 1967; he mentions his former VCS colleagues Colin Parr, Meg Hudson, and Abdul and describes his volunteering experience with VCS as one of the happiest years of his life.


" Dear Robert [Davies],
How are you? I am down in Cardiff occasionally as you may gather, but I never seem to bump into you. I went to a FOM [Field Officers’ Meeting] a month or so ago and didn’t find you there even.
So it occurred to me that, much as it's against my usual policy of only replying to letters I get! - that takes me enough time - it might be nice to drop you a line.
The work camp season is well on its way, and soon VCS will be starting its third year with a CSV. I understand that you won’t get one till September, and that Charlie is half carrying on. That’s a pity, having a break in continuity. It was bad enough when I only had a fortnight to show Charlie the ropes.
Life here is fairly hectic too. We started on our final placement about a month ago, after only a fortnight's rest after our exams, (I passed by the way). We spend four days a week working in a Children’s Dept., and one day back in the university with lectures etc. They expect us to do loads of reading, and prepare a thesis - that on top of a day doing social work is a bit much. Still we’ve all grumbled all through the course at having too much to do. Next year’s course is going to last two years. Whereas ours finishes Christmas.
I hear about once every 3 months from Colin, and I heard from Meg the other day for the first time for about 6 months. She seems to be doing fine at Nottingham.
Abdul is very depressed at present, isn’t he. I try to pop in, and see him when I’m down in Cardiff.
I hope that things are well with you. I often think of the time I spent in Cardiff. It was one of the happiest years of my life, and I shall always remember it as a really great experience.
Probably the next time I’ll be around in Cardiff is on Allan’s wedding day. That’ll be a loss to VCS won’t it? Perhaps I shall see you then. I hope so. I don’t seem to have seen you for ages. Till then, all the best.
Yours sincerely
Michael [Layzell]"

Robert Davies, who actively volunteered with VCS, UNA, and many other organisations, is currently VCS Honorary President. He founded Voluntary Community Service (VCS) in Cardiff in October 1964. The organisation's main aim, as stated in its constitution, is to promote any charitable purposes, advancement of education, and relief of poverty, distress, and sickness in the City of Cardiff. Originally VCS co-ordinated a team of volunteers involved in activities such as helping elderly people with gardening and decorating, running summer ‘work camps’ for children and young people. Its mission today is to enable people who are most disadvantaged to engage with rewarding volunteering opportunities, facilitating their personal development and employment prospects.

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