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Handwritten letter from Robert Davies to Colin Parr, a Community Service Volunteer. In the letter, Robert Davies comments on Colin Parr's work in a Children's Home, on his studies, and mentions Toc H and their financial difficulties. He also comments on Voluntary Community Service (VCS) running smoothly under Charles Coombes. Colin Parr, Community Service Volunteer, was sponsored by Toc H to work as a volunteer with VCS.


"To Colin Parr
Sponsored by Toe H
To keep Michael Layzell (lot CVS with VCS)

Dear Colin,
It was good to hear from you again and to know that you are enjoying and really setting - in to your work in the Children’s Home. I’m very glad to hear that you are beginning to broaden your education. The WEA is an excellent institution but have you also considered the possibility of taking up a serious course of study associated with your work? Now is the time to start.
TocH I suspect is now under a great disadvantage without George - especially with about £7000 debt on the centre around their necks. H.Q should of course get a new organiser (or at least a CSV!). But then George was doing it on a pittance because of his private means.
On the VCS front things seen to be ticking ever smoothly in Charlie's capable hands. I don’t think I can take your accusation of prejudice. Women have their part to play - but as individuals and rarely in cooperation with more than one other! Charlie is trying but he still hasn’t disproved my hypothesis!
Sorry to hear about your sister - I hope things may be easier now.
??? all good wishes

Robert Davies, who actively volunteered with VCS, UNA, and many other organisations, is currently VCS Honorary President. He founded Voluntary Community Service (VCS) in Cardiff in October 1964. The organisation's main aim, as stated in its constitution, is to promote any charitable purposes, advancement of education, and relief of poverty, distress, and sickness in the City of Cardiff. Originally VCS co-ordinated a team of volunteers involved in activities such as helping elderly people with gardening and decorating, running summer ‘work camps’ for children and young people. Its mission today is to enable people who are most disadvantaged to engage with rewarding volunteering opportunities, facilitating their personal development and employment prospects.

Toc H takes its unique name from Talbot House, opened on 11 Dec 1915, initially as some sort of rest house for troops stationed in Belgium. This international movement, started by the Reverend Philip Thomas Byard (Tubby) Clayton, has been responsible for starting or collaborating in some of the most innovative forms of social service. It is an international charity with branches in many countries.

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