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Photograph of national and local Toc H volunteers who helped United Nations Association (UNA) International Voluntary Service volunteers build the Adventure Playground at Ely Hospital School in Cardiff.

The Adventure Playground at Ely Hospital School was initiated by Voluntary Community Service (VCS) and carried out mostly by Toc H volunteers in July and August 1966. The volunteers resided in one of the hospital buildings for the duration of the camp, eating in the hospital canteen.

Toc H takes its unique name from Talbot House, opened on 11 Dec 1915, initially as some sort of rest house for troops stationed in Belgium. This international movement, started by the Reverend Philip Thomas Byard (Tubby) Clayton, has been responsible for starting or collaborating in some of the most innovative forms of social service. It is an international charity with branches in many countries.

Voluntary Community Service (VCS) was established in Cardiff in October 1964 with main aim, as stated in its constitution, to promote any charitable purposes, advancement of education, and relief of poverty, distress, and sickness in the City of Cardiff. Originally VCS co-ordinated a team of volunteers involved in activities such as helping elderly people with gardening and decorating, running summer ‘work camps’ for children and young people. Its mission today is to enable people who are most disadvantaged to engage with rewarding volunteering opportunities, facilitating their personal development and employment prospects.

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Comments (1)

Alan S's profile picture
I was involved in a follow up Toc H project on the Ely playground in 1967 and wonder if there are any photos around from that. We came from all over Britain with some from France plus Cardiff locals Alan, who took many photos, and Jenny from the UN Association.

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