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Short interview conducted by Vicky MaCdonald during the ‘Longest Yarn’ with visitors that shared personal memories and family stories in reaction to the exhibition. The Longest Yarn exhibition was a month-long tribute to the War Effort behind the D-Day Landings of 1944 - displaying a 3D tapestry depicting D-Day in 80 panels – was held at the Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno (October 2–27, 2024).
In this interview, Joan Barnes shares memories of her childhood during World War II. Living in a mining village, her father didn’t serve in the war, though her uncle did. Joan recalls rationing, eating raw carrots as a treat, and using gas masks, including her brother’s Mickey Mouse-themed one. She describes an aircraft dropping a bomb near the village and the need to black out windows, with wardens enforcing the rule. Despite the hardships, the war fostered a strong community spirit, as neighbors came together in air raid shelters and supported one another through challenging times.
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