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Short interview conducted by Vicky MaCdonald during the ‘Longest Yarn’ with visitors that shared personal memories and family stories in reaction to the exhibition. The Longest Yarn exhibition was a month-long tribute to the War Effort behind the D-Day Landings of 1944 - displaying a 3D tapestry depicting D-Day in 80 panels – was held at the Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno (October 2–27, 2024).

Beryl Evans recounts a wartime story about her father and uncle. Her father, a former soldier, was called back to duty and trained for D-Day. Just before deployment, he and Beryl's uncle sneaked home for a final visit by convincing a train driver to drop them off and pick them up later. Her father was severely wounded and shell-shocked during the D-Day landing in Caen, while her uncle, assigned to body retrieval, was killed in action. Her father survived but never fully recovered, carrying both physical and emotional scars.

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