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Short interview conducted by Vicky MaCdonald during the ‘Longest Yarn’ with visitors that shared personal memories and family stories in reaction to the exhibition. The Longest Yarn exhibition was a month-long tribute to the War Effort behind the D-Day Landings of 1944 - displaying a 3D tapestry depicting D-Day in 80 panels – was held at the Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno (October 2–27, 2024).

Peter and Jackie Smith share stories of their family during WWII. Peter’s father, William, served in Iceland with the 6th Battalion Yorks and Lancs Regiment, nicknamed the "Polar Bears." He stayed close with his army best friend, who was also his best man after the war. Jackie’s grandfather, a joiner, helped recover bodies and make coffins during the Sheffield Blitz. Peter’s mother worked in a Royal Ordnance Factory in Yorkshire, producing ammunition. She once ran home terrified during an air raid when anti-aircraft guns fired near her village. Both parents rarely spoke of their experiences.

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